Tharlo: From Fiction to Film
Tharlo: From Fiction to Film

Tharlo: From Fiction to Film

  |  Project Category  |  

     Promotion Design 



  |  Project Year  |  




  |  Organiser  |   

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Designer  |  

     James Leung



  |  Photographer  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Copywriting  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Website Photo credit  |  

     All: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University*

     Re-creation: James Leung


  |  Portfolio / Project Review  |  

     ( To be updated )





   * Copyright Owner. For details, please refer to "Copyright Disclaimer" in "disclaimer" hyperlink below.

  |  Project Category  |  

     Promotion Design 



  |  Project Year  |  




  |  Organiser  |   

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Designer  |  

     James Leung



  |  Photographer  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University; James Leung



  |  Copywriting  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Website Photo credit  |  

     James Leung



  |  Review  |  

     ( To be updated )



  |  Project Category  |  

     Promotion Design 



  |  Project Year  |  




  |  Organiser  |   

     Department of Chinese Language and

     Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Designer  |  

     James Leung



  |  Photographer  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and
     Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University;

     James Leung



  |  Copywriting  |  

     Department of Chinese Language and

     Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University



  |  Website Photo credit  |  

     James Leung



  |  Review  |  

     ( To be updated )



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